Roger Goddell and Robert Griffin III

So who will be the top pick in the inaugural season of The League? My guess is it will probably not be RG3…lol. Although I’m sure RG3 will be taken in an early round (possibly by the 3rd or 4th round), I doubt he will be taken 1st overall. But stranger things have happen.

Anyways, by now I hope everybody has gotten the email about the draft time change today from 1pm to 1:30pm. This change will accommodate a number of team owners attending church this morning as well as to show all team owners the flexibility this fantasy league will have.

We will be having a Google+ Hangout for the draft? Kinda a Meet & Greet if you will for all team owners as well as an attempt to have no strangers in this league. Here’s the weblink below to join if your interested.

Also, there’s been a new update to the league. We have added the opportunity to trade draft picks. But only during the season. Or In-Season Draft Pick Trades! This will just add even more depth to this league and make things that much more realistic for team owners.

I will like to give out my contact information to all the team owners in this league if there’s ever any questions or ideas you would like to see added or removed from The League! Theron (K.) Shavers 813-516-1978 or email me at

All creative ideas will be reviewed by myself and the Asst. League Commissioner Charles Anderson, and polled to be voted on by all team owners through the Team Owners Poll featured every week through our leagues League Stories. The Poll will be available to be voted on for one week only and at least eight (8) team owners must accept/decline the requested additional/removal to The League!

New League Stories will be posted every Wednesday with league information and more. In closing, I look forward to seeing all of you at the Google+ Draft Hangout, a very fun and productive fantasy league and wish all team owners good luck in today’s draft.